Spotify Embeddables

Last year, I faced an unexpected challenge when exploring a forum that allowed customizable pages. It allowed HTML/CSS but absolutely no scripting. This was mostly done to prevent Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) attacks where users could inject potentially malicious code. I wanted to personalize my page by displaying the current track I’m listening to on Spotify; I tried showing it through an iFrame, but the site didn’t allow that. Also, since I couldn’t use JS or jQuery to display the live track info, I decided to look for alternative ways to go about doing this. I learned that the site only allowed embedding images within HTML tags. But if we go through the documentation of browsers such as Firefox and Chrome, we see they allow images of the “.php” extension. This was an exciting discovery for me, and I set out to look at what this meant.

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Creating Virtual Experiences

During my time at Scafe Branding, one of the areas of interest clients often expressed was to create virtual experiences of their properties and establishments. This largely coincided with the prevalence of the pandemic at the time and presented us with an opportunity to offer virtual recreations that help clients showcase their brand and complexes without the need for a physical presence.

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